La Muerte and Xibalba
La Muerte is Xibalba's wife. They first met many thousands of years ago and many centuries ago.
He calls her "mi amor" which is Spanish for "my love".
He calls her "mi amor" which is Spanish for "my love".
They have a complicated relationship due to their different beliefs and the compeletly different, opposite antagonistic kingdoms, lands and realms they rule. La Muerte believes that humankind is completely good, true and pure. She is a sweet, kind character completely made out of sweet sugar candy and everything that is good and pure in the world, which makes her highly regarded and beloved by all mortal beings, by both the living and the souls and spirits of the dead . On the other hand, Xibalba thinks and believes that humankind is selfish, greedy, sinful, concerned only in its own interest. He is completely made out of black tar and everything icky in the world, and therefore hated and feared by all mortal beings both living and the souls and spirits of the dead.
When they first appear, she was shown to be somewhat playful (presumably because it was the Day of The Dead), calling him "my love" and briefly chastising, reprimanding, scolding, admonishing, him for almost killing an elderly, old mortal man despite the end of the elderly, old mortal man's life and time being near more or less. When he begs her to trade kingdoms, lands and realms with him, saying how much he has come to hate his, she gets rightly defensive, telling him that the only reason he ruled and lived where he did was because he had cheated in their last wager, and expressed her great sadness and great disappointment in him for not being the man she'd fallen in love with so very long ago. Xibalba advised her not to focus on too much on the past, calling her "mi amor" though was met with an angered grunt which made Xibalba slightly insecure.
When he proposed a new wager she was slightly angry but couldn't help considering to it. He bet that if his boy (Joaquin) married Maria, then he would finally rule over the Land of the Remembered. She, in turn, bet that if Manolo married Maria then he, Xibalba, would stop meddling and interfering in the affairs and lives of humanity and mortalkind and mortal beings. When he complained about it saying that's the only fun and enjoyment he ever gets outside of being ruler, dark lord and king of the Land of the Forgotten, she was quick to call off the bet. In the end he reluctantly but lovingly agreed, much to her enjoyment. They then shook hands on it making the wager.
Ten years later, when the wager appeared to be settled when it looked as though Maria would have no choice but to marry Joaquin. With this, La Muerte accepted defeat and took her new place and role as ruler and queen of the Land of the Forgotten. She wasn't thrilled about it, but she honored the agreement she had made with her husband Xibalba. However, later she learned the truth that he had cheated from Manolo. Extremely outraged, she summoned him to her by screaming his name at the top of her lungs and rebuked, berated and chastised him much to his shame and chagrin.
that he and her husband Xibalba had made. She then watched with him as both the living and the calavera skeleton and calaca skeleton Remembered banded together to defeat Chakal. At Manolo and Maria's wedding ceremony she watched on smiling, and listened to her husband Xibalba as he told her how she had "won his heart all over again." She then accepted his heartfelt apology, and pulled him in for a grand romantic, passionate, passion-filled kiss sending up fireworks from her sombrero hat.
As of the present, modern day and present, modern time, as the museum tour children leave, she changes back into her true ancient, immortal goddess form to share another tender romantic moment and another very passionate, passion-filled kiss with her husband Xibalba.
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